How we can troubleshoot blue screen error due to Avast antivirus

We’re using antivirus software to secure our systems and we have also installed best antivirus and antimalware software. In today’s world Avast has proved to be the very best and is most widely used as application. Its extraordinary features are most valid reason behind its success. Now, in the latest version of this antivirus, you can troubleshoot all your computer related problems side by side, you can also troubleshoot generated problems in Avast. In order to give 100% protection against viruses, you can take help from experts, as this antivirus provides maximum security to its users. Avast Support Australia is one of the best service providers that provide technical help to Australian users all the time.

Here, you may be able to learn, how to troubleshoot a blue screen error that you see whenever your window crashes due to Avast’s inactivity. This thing can happen when this application clashes with other installed applications. Follow below-mentioned steps to recover your computer back:

Avast PC Problem

  1. First of all, you need to turn on your PC in safe mode. Go to start menu and click restart button.
  2. You should now, simultaneously press the windows and R button in order to open run dialogue box. Do all these things in safe mode.
  3. Type a command msconfig.exe in its dialogue box and click ok to open system configuration window.
  4. Now in its next window, choose the general tab and then select the diagnostic startup option.
  5. Go to its services tab and there choose all Avast supported products by clicking checkboxes in each column.
  6. Now you can go back to its general tab and this time choose a selective startup column and press OK. A dialogue box will appear to ask to restart your computer, press ok in that window also.
  7. You can also report this issue to this company as soon as your machine works well again.

You might call this as a drawback of this AV or a necessary process. It all depends on your accessibility. But certainly, Avast is the best AV as it provides complete guidance to its customers. Still, if you are in a trouble and do not know what to do then you can contact Avast Australia by dialing our toll-free number 1-800-921-785.

Also, Read This Blog: – What are the steps to install Avast Pro anti-virus on your PC?

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