How To Fix The Error 1068: The Dependency Service or Group Failed To Start

The Error 1068 occurs on a windows machine, this may appear while permitting Windows Firewall protection or while starting Internet Connection Sharing wizard. “The dependency service or group failed to start” is the more accurate reason of the error. Typically occurs in old computers powered with Windows XP but this doesn’t’ mean users of windows 7, 8 or 10 cannot face it.

How to fix the Error 1068 the dependency service or group failed to start Continue reading

How we can troubleshoot blue screen error due to Avast antivirus

We’re using antivirus software to secure our systems and we have also installed best antivirus and antimalware software. In today’s world Avast has proved to be the very best and is most widely used as application. Its extraordinary features are most valid reason behind its success. Now, in the latest version of this antivirus, you can troubleshoot all your computer related problems side by side, you can also troubleshoot generated problems in Avast. In order to give 100% protection against viruses, you can take help from experts, as this antivirus provides maximum security to its users. Avast Support Australia is one of the best service providers that provide technical help to Australian users all the time. Continue reading